What is the longest amount of time you’ve had to wait for something? A month? Two years? A decade? Everyone is waiting for something but some wait more patiently than others. God’s timing is not our timing even when we wish it was. God has made some amazing promises and we can trust that He will always keep them… even if we have to wait 2,000 years! Remember: a promise delayed is not a promise denied.
FAITH: Trusting in God, His Word and His Promises
MEMORY VERSE: “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)
This Week’s Finish Line: I can trust God even when I have to wait
Just like all good Jewish parents, Joseph and Mary took Jesus to the temple to present Him to the Lord when He was a baby. In Luke 2:22-38 we see that while they were there, they met two people who had been waiting patiently for Him. The Holy Spirit had promised Simeon that he would not die until he met the Messiah. Simeon recognized Jesus immediately for who He was and praised God for keeping His promise. Anna, a faithful 84 year old widow, also gave thanks to God and told everyone she saw that Jesus was the one God had promised them.
While He was on earth, Jesus promised in John 14:1-6 that one day He would come back for those who believed He was the one and only Way to the Father. That is the promise that we who have faith in God are still waiting for. God has always kept His Word in the past so we know that one day Jesus will come back again.
Family Questions:
- How do you see both Simeon and Anna live out their faith?
- What do you think they felt when they realized the promises God made them had finally come true?
- What amazing things has God promised you? Do you believe that what He says will come true?
- What do you believe about God that helps you have faith while you wait on Him?
Bring It Home: 3 Activities to Talk about Waiting in Faith with Your Kids
1. A Promise Delayed
Make a promise to your kids but don’t tell them how long they’ll have to wait for it. Tell them the promise will come true when the time is right. Do not give in to their requests to get what they want when they want it. Talk to them about the importance of waiting. Ask: Did you doubt I would do what I said? Did you doubt I was good? When you wait on God, do you doubt He will do what He says? He is the one good and perfect Father who will always keep His promises. Celebrate by fulfilling your promise to them!
2. Memory Verse Puzzle
Write this month’s memory verse, Hebrews 11:1, on a large sheet of paper. Cut the paper into pieces like a puzzle. See how quickly you can put it together and recite it. Take some of the pieces out and see if you can still put the puzzle together and recite our verse about faith.
3. Prayer Boxes
This week our 2-5 graders went home with a prayer box. You can make one of these at home with any small boxes you have. Write down a prayer request, date it, pray for it and put it in your box. This will help you know what to pray for each day. Once the prayer is answered, take it out of the box and thank God for whatever answer He gave you.
Prayer: John 14:1-6
Thank God for His constant faithfulness to keep His Word. Thank Him for the times He has made you wait. Ask Him to help you have patience and grow closer to Him while you wait on His timing.
Talk Back
Let us know how you teach your kids about waiting. What’s the hardest thing for them to wait for? What’s hardest for you to wait for?
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