Engage Missionally

"Lord, why not use us?"

At Watermark, we believe that we’re all “on mission,” all the time. Each daily interaction is a mission opportunity.

Love Our City

Man and woman greeting neighbors Man and woman greeting neighbors


Living missionally in our neighborhoods

God has placed you in your neighborhood for a reason: to be a light for Him.

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Laptops open on work table Laptops open on work table


Worshipping God through our work

Discover how you can live out your faith in the workplace.

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Men in conversation Men in conversation


Strategically seeking the good of our city

Seek the welfare of your city, and pray to the Lord on its behalf.

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Woman embraced by children Woman embraced by children


Taking part in God’s global mission

Discover ways to use what God has given you to support efforts around the world.

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Christ’s highest commandments are to love God and to love and serve others.

It’s our job to share the love of Christ with people we see every day – whether we’re in North Texas or halfway across the globe.

Straightforward Service

Our monthly newsletter provides straightforward service opportunities to love and serve those around you in meaningful ways.


External Focus Blog

Disaster relief, voting decisions, immigration, city engagement, and other cultural topics—we seek to understand these topics from a biblical perspective.

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Disaster Relief

Learn more about how we care for those in the midst of a natural disaster and how you can join us.

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Upcoming Opportunities to Engage Others for Christ

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