
Abiding in Jesus, we are making disciples together

In pursuit of Watermark’s vision, we desire to be a church and a people that are marked by the following characteristics:

A Gospel-Saturated Church

Gospel means "good news.” Through faith in Jesus, sins are forgiven, and new life in Christ is
experienced. The gospel is the central message of the Bible and every ministry of our church. We
desire to be marked by the transformational truth of the gospel in every aspect of our hearts and
lives (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).   

A Praying Church

Prayer is the pathway to greater intimacy with and enjoyment of God. Conversing with God in
prayer is how we worship, confess sin, express gratitude, and seek divine help and guidance. We
desire to be marked by a passion for and enjoyment of prayer as a means to connect with God
(Acts 1:14).

A Spirit-Led Church

Without the ministry of the Holy Spirit, there would be no Church. The Spirit calls, convicts,
seals, comforts, guides, helps, distributes spiritual gifts, sanctifies, and intercedes for believers. With the Spirit, we have the power to accomplish God’s purposes. We desire to be marked by a sensitivity to the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14; Acts 1:8).  

A Bible-Revering Church

The Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative, and sufficient Word of God, and it serves as our authority and guide. We are committed to faithful, expository preaching and to equipping our members to handle Scripture rightly. We desire to be marked by consistent growth in understanding and faithful application of God’s Word (Matthew 4:4; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).   

A Missional Church

We are called to live as God’s witnesses, actively participating in his mission to reconcile the
world to himself. We pray for those who do not know Jesus, prepare ourselves to share the good
news, practice hospitality, and seek opportunities to share the gospel with those who do not yet
have a relationship with him. We also promote the well-being of others and the renewal of our
city by caring for the vulnerable in Jesus’ name. We desire to be marked by a consistent
advancement of the gospel in both word and deed throughout our community (2 Corinthians 5:20; Matthew 28:19-20).   

A Maturing Church

Following Jesus results in a lifetime of becoming more like him as we forsake sin, practice
spiritual disciplines, grow in spiritual wisdom and godliness, minister to others, and make
disciples. We desire to be marked by consistent growth toward Christlikeness, and a
commitment to raising up the next generation of disciples of Jesus (Colossians 1:28).   

A Sending Church

Jesus calls his followers to make disciples of all nations. We pray for unreached people groups,
give financially to support international ministries and church planting efforts, and heed the call to “go.” We desire to be marked by consistent efforts to advance the gospel to the nations
(Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).   

A Shepherding Church

The Bible describes church leaders as shepherds watching over a local flock of church members.
Those occupying the office of an elder have the God-given responsibility to know, lead, feed,
care for, correct, and protect the people of the church. Church membership is a meaningful
identification with our flock and a glad submission to our elders’ spiritual guidance, care, and
correction. We desire to be marked by a joyful submission to our elders as they are joyfully
submitted to Christ (Hebrews 13:17). 

A Community Church

Community is our middle name. We welcome, love, build up, sharpen, honor, and serve each
other according to God’s design for the body of Christ. We strive to help one another abide in
Jesus, make disciples, and enjoy life with others. We desire to be marked by a commitment to
know and be known by one another deeply (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Romans 12:4-5). 

A Unifying Church

The gospel is bearing fruit in countless churches and ministries in Dallas-Fort Worth and
throughout the world. We celebrate, collaborate with, pray for, share with, and pursue peace and
the common good with other gospel-centric and Bible-believing churches and ministries. We
desire to be marked by our love for and encouragement of God’s broader Church (Ephesians 4:1-6).