Give to Watermark

This fall, Watermark will celebrate our 25th anniversary. To mark the occasion, we are looking back and celebrating 25 stories of God’s faithfulness in and through our church family.

See the Stories


In just a few steps, you can set up recurring giving or make a one-time contribution.

Give Online


We don’t pass a collection plate during weekend services, but you may place a gift in any of our secure giving boxes in the Town Center along the walls near all auditorium entrances. 


You may drop off gifts with the receptionist on the first floor of the West Tower during office hours. You can also place a gift in the giving boxes in the Town Center anytime throughout the week.

Driving Directions


Our mailing address is:

Watermark Community Church, Contributions 
7540 LBJ Freeway
Dallas, TX 75251 


To donate stock or other assets, please contact us for more information and instructions.

Learn More


We will send an acknowledgment of your contributions by January 31 each year. Please contact us if your email address has changed or if you have any questions about year-end giving. 

Designated Funds

You may give directly to one of our designated funds or ministry partners through the links below.  

Financial FAQ

What is Watermark’s budget?

Our budget is $33.2 million for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. We are funded entirely through the generous giving of our body. Those dollars are contributed all throughout the year, but about 20% of our annual giving is received each December.

How did the budget change from last year?

Our budget decreased slightly compared to last year. The only way our budget is maintained or can increase is through the generous giving of our body. We continually look for ways to use funds more effectively, cutting budgets where cost-saving opportunities are found. Our actual spending has consistently been less than budgeted, and any extra funds are put toward strategic priorities.

What is the most helpful way to give to Watermark?

Recurring donations (i.e., automatic monthly payments) help us plan better and steward our resources more effectively. You can set up recurring payments through our giving portal.

Why don’t we “pass the plate” for giving at Watermark?

We believe the best way to facilitate joyful giving (2 Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 6:4) is not to prompt it with a specific moment in the service, but to provide our body with opportunities to give as the Lord leads. Anyone can give online, send checks by mail, place gifts in the secure giving boxes in the auditorium, or drop off gifts in person at our offices.

How is Watermark’s budget used?

86% of our budget goes directly to Kingdom work, including all weekend and midweek ministries, our staff, local and international ministry partners, conferences, and other strategic investments in churches locally and around the world. 14% of our budget goes toward operating, maintaining, and developing the facilities at our campuses, which are used all throughout the week.

Does Watermark have any debt?

We gratefully celebrate that we have never incurred any debt.

How does Watermark prepare for the unexpected?

Given that our economy cycles over time and we could be impacted in a downturn, we see wisdom in maintaining some reserves for the unknown. In accordance with the direction of our Business Advisory Team, we set aside funds to cover three months of operating expenses, along with a reserve account to fund repairs and maintenance as needed for our facilities.

How is the budget created, approved, and managed?

Each ministry and department builds its budget from the ground up every year, evaluating what we should keep doing, start doing, and stop doing. Budgets are then reviewed by our internal finance and executive teams; our lay-led Business Advisory Team, which provides leadership in our budget planning and implementation; and our Elders, who ultimately approve the budget.

We have rigorous processes to track every dollar in and out of Watermark, with monthly reporting for each department. Our annual financial statements are audited each year by an outside firm to ensure accuracy and accountability.

What does the Bible say about giving?

Giving the first of our income is an act of worship that honors God (Proverbs 3:9). Being rich in good works, generous, and ready to share is how we store up treasure for the future (1 Timothy 6:17-19). Sharing and sacrificial giving is pleasing to God (Hebrews 13:16). Taking up a weekly collection to support ministry has always been part of church worship gatherings (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). Our hearts and our finances are closely related. Giving towards God’s kingdom draws our hearts toward God’s kingdom (Matthew 6:19-21). We shouldn’t give under compulsion. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35 ).

How do I get more information?

Our finance team is happy to meet with members to discuss our budget and answer finance-related questions. Please email and let us sit down with you at the Watermark Coffee Shop!

Questions? Ask us anything here!

Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.

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