Timothy "TA" Ateek • Mar 16, 2025 • Judges 1-21
TA continues our Year of the Word series by walking us through the book of Judges to highlight Israel's failure and God's never-ending faithfulness.
In this week's message, Jonathan Linder takes us on a tour through the book of Joshua to highlight God keeping his perfect promises in his perfect timing.
arrow_forwardChris Sherrod, Watermark’s Family Director, joined us as we continued in the Old Testament with Year of the Word. Through Moses' instructions to Israel in Deuteronomy 6, we learned three ways we can pass our faith on to the next generation.
arrow_forwardTA continues our Year of the Word series and surveys the Old Testament to answer a hard question: Why does God show so much violence throughout the Old Testament? By doing so, he shows that God is no moral monster but demonstrates a consistent and faithful character marked by holiness and grace throughout the entire Bible and all of history.
arrow_forwardTA continues our Year of the Word series by showing us how the book of Numbers is a study in God’s faithfulness to a very unfaithful people.
arrow_forwardTA continues our Year of the Word series by walking us through the book of Leviticus, where we see God drawing near to His people and, ultimately, revealing a glimpse of the perfect sacrifice found in Jesus Christ.
arrow_forwardTA continues our Year of the Word series by walking us through Exodus, where God rescues Israel from slavery in Egypt, revealing his holiness and commitment to dwelling with his people, while setting the stage for a deeper relationship that will ultimately be fulfilled in Christ.
arrow_forwardContinuing the Year of the Word series, Kylen Perry, Executive Director of the Porch, begins walking us through the book of Exodus, showing us how each piece of Scripture fits into God's larger story while holding its own unique significance.
arrow_forwardTA continues our series, Year of the Word, by covering a large part of “the beginnings” of creation and of a people called out by the Lord to take part in his Kingdom plan of redemption.
arrow_forwardIn the first message of our new series, Year of the Word, TA introduces the upcoming year with the reminder that the Bible tells the story of one person (Jesus) written in four movements (Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation).
arrow_forwardTo improve the functionality of our media system, we have moved older messages into our Message archive.