Oftentimes I take my own sin too lightly. Yes, I am covered by the grace of Jesus, but sin is an awful thing that separates me from my God. Thankfully, when I confess my sin He is faithful to forgive my sin and restore my fellowship with Him. Stop for a minute. Is there any sin in your life you need to confess to the Lord right now? If so, do it and then read 1 John 1:9. Walking out authentic confession and repentance in our own lives is a critical step to teaching our kids how to do the same.
HIGHLIGHTS from Sunday…
This week your child learned that Adam and Eve disobeyed God and that sin separates us from God. God created the heavens and earth as well as Adam and Eve, and He told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But in Genesis 3, the serpent came along and told Eve it was really okay to eat from that tree. Eve gave Adam a piece of fruit and they ate it. Instantly Adam and Eve knew they had done something wrong and were afraid, so they hid from God. God came looking for them and found them. Adam and Eve told God they had eaten the fruit but were tricked by the serpent. God was angry and told the serpent he would have to slither on his belly all the rest of his life. He told Adam and Eve they would have to leave the garden and work the land for food and shelter. God also promised that someday He would send Someone Special to rescue the world from sin.
Teaching Truths:
1. Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
2. Sin separates us from God.
3. God had a plan to rescue the world from sin.
Memory Verse:
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 (NASB)
Here’s a simple song to help your child (and you) memorize this week’s memory verse!
3 Activities that remind us that sin separates us from God:
1. The Bridge
Fold a sheet of construction paper in half. On one half have your child draw Adam and Eve and on the other half draw a heart to stand for God’s love for us. Let your child dip his finger in a cup of water and then run his wet finger along the fold in the paper. He may have to do this several times. When the fold is sufficiently damp, have your child rip the two pages apart. Talk about how the water is the sin that separates us from God just like it separated Adam & Eve from God. Cut out a large cross from construction paper and glue one side to the picture of Adam and Eve and the other to the picture of the heart. Talk about how Jesus is the bridge that connects us with God.
TALK about it...
- What is sin? What was the first sin?
- What should we do when we sin? (Ask God to forgive us.)
- Will God forgive you when you ask Him?
2. Laundry Toss
Missing the mark: Grab a laundry basket and bean bag or sock filled with rice. Place the basket several feet away from your child. Have your child try to toss the bean bag into the basket. Use this game as an opportunity to explain the concept of sin and how no matter how hard we try, we all “miss the mark”. We can never be perfect and hit the target every time. The good news is that Jesus is perfect and because he died for our sins, we can be forgiven.
3. Right vs. Wrong
Our goal is for toddlers to understand right and wrong. Draw a happy face and a sad face on two paper plates. Tape them together with a pencil or popsicle stick in the middle. Give your child examples of good deeds and behaviors or bad deeds and behaviors. Tell him that if it is a bad behavior to show the sad face. If it is a good (nice) behavior, they should show the happy face.
Good examples: obey parents, pick up toys, share, help others, smile, happy attitude, loving brother or sister.
Bad examples: throw a fit, pushing, not sharing, being unkind, yelling “No” at parents, being mean to brother or sister.
God, please forgive us for disobeying you. Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for my sins. Please teach me to trust you.
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