Think about the last time you put together a resume. What was on it? It probably included your work history, special accomplishments, awards, and personal references. What about your failures, weaknesses, or biggest struggles? Did they make the list? Probably not. We want people to see the good, not the bad. When it comes to God, however, there is nothing we can hide from Him. He sees everything, but because of His great love for us, gives us a way that we can be made right with Him.
RIGHTEOUS: Being Declared Right in God's Sight
MEMORY VERSE: “But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners." Romans 4:5 (NLT)
This Week’s Finish Line: All Who Believe In Christ Are Made Right
In Philippians 3, Paul gives us his resume. We see the list of all the good works he has done, his impressive accomplishments, and well connected family. Paul had every reason to boast and could have easily gotten whatever job he wanted. Paul also knew his list of sins and shortcomings and that he was far from perfect. He knew that every piece of his resume was worthless when compared with the righteousness of God, because he was a sinner. But Paul had hope because he knew that God, the only one righteous, had made a way for him to be forgiven. Paul knew that all who believe in Christ are made right, not because of what he, himself, had done, but because of what Christ did. Paul’s righteousness was not his own, it was a gift from God, and that is the same righteousness God offers to all of us today. We can be made right in His sight when we put our faith in Christ!
Family Questions:
- Read Philippians 3:4-11. What was on Paul’s resume? What good works had he done?
- How did Paul view his good works? What was the only thing that mattered to him?
- What is the only way we can be made righteous?
- Why does God still want us to do good things even if they won’t make us righteous
Bring it Home Conversations & Activities:
* Check out our vision for parents and how to use these activities each week.
Teacher: Romans 3:21-26
At the dinner table read Romans 3:21-26 to your family. Show them directly from scripture how we all have sinned but are justified and made right in God’s eyes when we believe in Jesus. There is nothing we can do in and of ourselves to be righteous - ONLY God can declare us righteous.
Friend: The Six-Week Challenge!
Join us in the six-week challenge by memorizing a verse a week of Psalm 1! It is highly important to memorize scripture and to write it on our hearts. So we have created this challenge for the whole family! We want parents and children alike to be memorizing the same thing together. This is something you can do while driving, while in your living room or while doing dishes and we hope is a bonding activity. You can make flash cards by going to and printing them off.
Counselor: Are "Good Things" Enough?
As you are putting your family to bed ask them to tell you all the “good things” they do and have done. Then ask them if they think those good things are enough to be considered perfect or righteous. Ask them if ANYONE can do enough good things to be considered perfect. Admit that even you are far from perfect or righteous. Then explain that doing good things is something we should do but they are NOT how we are made right in God’s eyes.
Coach: Memory Verse
As you are getting your family ready for the day read Romans 4:5 together. Remind them that it is only because of Jesus that we are made righteous and he is the reason we can have a right relationship with God!
Thank God for all of the blessings He’s given you. Ask Him to help you rely on Him and not the good things you’ve done or have. Ask Him to awaken your heart so that you long to know Him more and more and not become spiritually complacent.
Looking Ahead
Next week we will continue the month of January with the Godly characteristic of RIGHTEOUS. We will learn that your works don't work.
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