Growing up without a father, Davy Flowers longed for a sense of safety and stability. When she surrendered her life to Christ as a teenager, she found freedom and comfort in Christ alone. Now, Davy is able to encourage others and sing of God’s goodness on the worship team at Watermark and in the Fellowship program starting this fall.
How did you come to know Christ?
“I didn’t grow up in a believing family. I was raised by a young, single mom, and there were a lot of people in and out of our house. We moved around a lot and to different schools, so I faced a lot of insecurity and instability in my childhood. There were no spiritual influences in our lives, and I was completely oblivious of Jesus, the Bible, or my need for a savior.
“The deepest longing of my heart was for a sense of safety, home, and stability. I wanted a place where I could belong. I had a desperate need to be pursued and cared for intentionally. In our family, it was very much ‘every man for himself,’ so I was an independent kid who was always doing my own thing. “When I was in middle school, a friend invited me to church. After attending for about a year, I was able to wrap my mind around what it meant to turn from sin and walk with Jesus as His disciple. I was surrounded by kind and loving people who wanted to love me regardless of my pain and brokenness. It was the first place in my life I had experienced unconditional love and intentional people showing kindness toward me without wanting or demanding anything in return.
“In those people, and through their actions, the Lord was drawing myself to Him and revealing His love. My heart began to come alive to the truth of the gospel: I was a sinner in desperate need of saving, and even sweeter than that, I was a child that He longed to claim as His own.
“When I trusted in Christ, I knew that meant saying ‘yes’ to a life of discipleship and laying down my own will, plans, desires, and dreams to submit myself fully. I wanted to live my life submitted to the lordship of Jesus. As a teen, it was a pretty radical shift. The moment I fully surrendered, everything about my life changed. From there, my youth group discipled me and intentionally taught me to pray, read the Bible, serve the Lord, and allow the Lord to use my life as a background for Him to be glorified and known.”
What has been a consistent theme in your life and journey with Christ?
“Throughout my life, the Lord has consistently reminded me of His commitment as my Father. I had fundamental needs to be cherished and pursued. My identity was established out of fatherlessness, but the aspect of God’s character and nature has profoundly shaped my heart and brought freedom to my life. Yes, He is my creator who so brilliantly built me. Yes, He holds all of the affairs and details of my life, but on a more personal level, He cherishes, pursues, and shows up like a father should. He is committed to me in the highs and the lows. Even when my tenacity and passion for Him has waned, He is consistently – in both subtle and extravagant ways – pursuing my heart. In every season, the Lord is stepping in to tell me, ‘I’m not going anywhere. I care about the details of your heart. You’re not just a drop in a bucket. To me, you are my cherished and chosen child. The love I have for you is personal, intimate, and all encompassing.’”
How has leading worship changed during this season?
“It has been really challenging not being able to be in the same room with other people as we worship, but it has been sweet to realize that the truth of God remains impactful, powerful, and sufficient enough to anchor us. We are seeing God utilize different forms of technology to connect the church body. Even with the limitation of not being together, we are seeing that our hearts are still able to sing, and The Lord can still stir faith, joy, and peace in our lives.
“The worship team is continuing to do what the Word calls us to do in Colossians 3:16. As we’ve been faithful to do that in this unique season, He has been faithful to establish us and encourage us. Even in this chaotic, disorienting time, worship has been consistent for me and has continually reminded me that, while a lot has changed from our normal, there are some things that don’t change – things that chaos can’t touch.
“Recording worship sessions in an empty room has forced me to be reminded that it’s only for God. My heart is strengthened every time I open my mouth to sing worship. It is a time to delight in the Lord; it’s not a performance or a platform. Ultimately, worship is about connecting with the truth of who God is, and, as believers, we have the opportunity to do that throughout all of eternity.”