In the second sermon of the series “Head, Heart, Hands,” JP focuses on Proverbs 4:23: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” He reminds us that we must carefully defend and protect our hearts because what goes into our hearts will determine the outcome of our lives.
Discussion Questions
- From past experiences, what indicators reflect that your heart has not been feeding on the things of God, but has been feeding on trash? Discontentment? Anxiety? Quick Temper? Lust? Relational Chaos?
- What are some unhealthy habits in your life that sometimes lure your heart away from God? Entertainment, relationship, selfish desires?
- In what situations are you most likely to let your guard down and return to those unhealthy habits that cause your heart to drift towards darkness and destruction?
- Are your thoughts, emotions, relationships and conversations more reflective of a heart overflowing with life or a heart overflowing with poison? (Matt. 15:18)
- What specific steps will you take to inform your heart with truth, strengthen the protection around your heart and move toward the abundant life that God offers? Make a plan for when and where you will have daily intake of God’s word.
- In an effort to help grow your heart’s appetite toward the things of God, Watermark offers several summer equipping opportunities: