This weekend, on the one year anniversary of the Dallas police officer shootings, Todd spent time in 2 Chronicles, Jeremiah, and 1 Peter, calling us to be a blessing in the city God has us in. While 70% of America still identifies as Christian, Todd argued that, largely, we honor God with our lips but our hearts are far from Him.
Discussion Questions
- “The works of men won’t cover the sins of men. The first sacrifice was God killing an animal and making clothes—making provision—for Adam and Eve after they sinned. God makes provision for sin, which requires sacrifice.” In what ways are you prone to “work to cover your sin instead of trusting God’s provision?” Share these things with your Community Group, and ask them to remind you of who you are in Christ, not based on your works.
- “You be a blessing in the city God has you in. Pray that your kings are godly and that your land wants God’s will and way. Seek the welfare in the city in which you live (Jeremiah 29:7). You are a Christian who lives in America, not an American who is a Christian.” Discuss as a Community Group how you can more faithfully pray for the leaders of your city, state, and country (1 Timothy 2:1-4)? This week, identify one way that you can seek the welfare of your city, and go live it out—Engage Missionally.
- “You will be the enemy if you claim there is truth and stand up for it. A country that is far from God takes sin and makes it permissible, then desirable, and then normal. You are living in that country. As you seek the welfare of your city and speak the truth, people are going to scoff at you.” In what areas of your life—family, work, neighbors, etc.—have you been timid or passive in speaking the truth? How can you be more bold to winsomely, humbly, and lovingly engage in truthful conversations? Identify one person with whom you will share the truth this week. Share with those in your small group how they can help you follow-through.