Discussion Questions: October 19, 2014

Discussion Questions: October 19, 2014 Hero Image


Did you leave after hearing Sunday’s message and think, “Well, now what?” Each Sunday, we will provide a discussion guide for our church body designed to create a conversation about what we’re learning. We encourage you to prayerfully gather with your family, friends and community group and dive into how to apply Sunday’s teaching from God’s Word to your life.

To view the current message series, as well as our entire library of sermons, be sure to check out our media page.

  1. Todd started by asking, Who do you say that God is? Then he added that how you answer this question is the most important thing about you. Do you agree? Explain. How does your answer to the question relate to your pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness?
  2. There is no freedom without ordering your life in accordance with God’s revealed will. Do you live like you truly believe that in every area of your life? How can your Community Group help each other order your lives in accordance with God’s revealed will?
  3. How did each member of your Community Group do in praying, purifying yourselves, and proclaiming truth during the past week? How can you encourage each other to pray, purify, and proclaim truth in love? If everyone prayed, purified, and proclaimed as you did this week, what would our country be like?
  4. God created man in perfection and innocence. But God gave man freedom, and free will allows for the choice of evil. Therefore, imperfection can arise out of perfection when man leaves God behind and seeks to live apart from Him. How will you choose to live—in accordance with God’s will or apart from Him? What do your priorities, your checkbook, and the way you spend your time say about how you answer the previous question?
  5. Todd made the point that freedom is not the freedom to do what we want. Our choices have consequences. How has your own pursuit of the freedom to do what you wish resulted in consequences that you did not desire? Where can you find true freedom? How can your Community Group partner together to pursue true freedom?


  • There is no freedom when you give yourself over to sin (Proverbs 13:13-15). But the way to life is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). The abundant life comes from those who abide with Christ (John 10:10, 15:5).
  • Read and discuss 1 Corinthians 6:9-14 as a Community Group.
  • Share the gospel (Proverbs 14:25). There is no freedom apart from the gospel. There is no freedom without the truth. If we do not speak up, we are perpetuating the spiral of silence.

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