Easter He Is Risen

Easter He Is Risen Hero Image Easter He Is Risen Hero Image

Have you ever noticed how many signs you pass throughout the day? Street signs, construction signs, building signs, bathroom signs, and the list goes on! Their purpose? To provide instruction and/or point us in a specific direction. When Jesus was on earth, He offered signs as well. Miracles that showed He was who He said He was, God’s own Son, that crescendoed with the greatest miracle of all, His resurrection from the dead! Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection on our behalf, we have the opportunity to be forgiven and made new. When we accept God’s gift of grace, He transforms us from dead to alive too. That’s definitely worth celebrating and sharing with others!


MEMORY VERSE: _"But God showed His great loves for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5:8 (NLT)

This Week’s Finish Line: Easter! He is risen!

This Easter, we continue our Timeline Weekend series as we learn about the GOSPELS era. Jesus came down from heaven to earth and lived a perfect life. That means He never sinned. Are any of us perfect? Definitely not! We are all sinners. We all think, say, and do things that don’t please God. We are separated from God and deserve to die for our sins. But God LOVES you! Romans 5:8 says, “But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Even though Jesus was perfect, He was arrested and killed on the cross. Then, when it didn’t seem like anything good could come out of this sad situation, God raised Jesus from the dead! JESUS IS ALIVE! His death paid the price for your sin and mine. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, He offers us salvation, which is rescue from the punishment, power, and presence of sin. When we ADMIT that we are sinners, BELIEVE that Jesus died for us, and CONFESS that He is Lord of our life, we are saved (Romans 10:9). We can have eternal life with God! That really is the best true story ever.

Family Questions:

  1. What is a miracle? (A miracle is something wonderful only God can do.)
  2. What were some of the miracles that Jesus performed on earth (calmed the storm, healed the sick, forgave sins, brought the dead back to life, etc.)
  3. Why did Jesus perform miracles? (to show that he was the Messiah, the rescuer)
  4. What was the biggest miracles Jesus did? (Taking on our punishment for sin on the cross and rising three days later)

Bring it Home Conversations & Activities:

Teacher: Meal Time

Before or after dinner, read Luke 24:1-12 and make “resurrection rolls” as a family. You can find the recipe and instructions here. While you’re waiting for them to bake, talk with your kids about why it’s so exciting that Jesus came back to life again and the difference He has personally made in your life. Then enjoy the treat for dessert!

Friend: Drive Time

Sometime while you’re in the car this week, talk to your kids about what they look forward to telling their friends about (i.e. a story from the weekend, an event they’re going to, a funny story from soccer practice, etc.) Ask them if they remember what the word “Gospel” means (good news). Discuss if it they think of the Gospel as good news to share; why or why not? Then discuss if there is a friend who needs to hear this good news. Pray together for an opportunity to share before you get out of the car, and don’t forget to follow up when everyone is back home!

Counselor: Bedtime

At bedtime this week, spend time reading through the seven “I am” statements declaring who Jesus is in the Gospel of John: Bread of life (6:35), Light of the World (8:12), Gate for the sheep (10:7), Good Shepherd (10:11), Resurrection and the Life (11:25), Way, Truth, and Life (14:6), and Vine (15:1). Discuss a statement that stands out to you and why, then pray, praising Jesus and thanking Him for being who He says He is.

Coach: Anytime

This week, the older elementary kids went home with “Gospel Joe” flash cards while the younger elementary kids went home with scratch crosses. Each helps the kids share the gospel. Practice together as a family and pray for opportunities to share this week!


Thank God for Easter and the impact it has had in your life. Thank Him for His patience, love and free gift of salvation. Ask Him to give you the opportunity to share this Good News this week.

Looking Ahead

Next week we will continue our trait for the month of April, PERSEVERANCE!