I Can Be Content Knowing God Made Me

I Can Be Content Knowing God Made Me Hero Image I Can Be Content Knowing God Made Me Hero Image

Comparison is a dangerous trap that we can all easily fall into. We can compare ourselves to our friends, neighbors, and even complete strangers. Comparison doesn’t lead to anything but discontentment because God didn’t mean for us to be like the other person. If He did, He would have made us all the exact same. Instead, God created each of us uniquely on purpose with purpose, and He does not make mistakes.

CONTENTMENT: Being satisfied with God.

MEMORY VERSE: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Philippians 4:12 (NIV)

This Week’s Finish Line: I Can Be Content Knowing God Made Me

From the very start of creation, when the first man and woman were created in Genesis 1, God chose to make us in His image. As image bearers, we reflect who He is to the world around us like a mirror. We can love because He is love. We are creative because God is the Creator. Sadly, our sin distorts the way we see God in ourselves and in other people. Only salvation can fix our broken mirrors so we can reflect who He is more clearly and help us see that God never makes mistakes and created us just like He wanted us to be. We are His masterpieces.

Family Questions:

  1. Read Genesis 1:26-31 and Psalm 139:13-18. How did God create us? What does He think about you?
  2. How could God use you, exactly the way He made you, to bring Himself glory?
  3. What is something that you love about yourself? Why? Is there anything about yourself you have a hard time liking? What and why?

* Check out our vision for parents and how to use these activities each week.

Teacher: Meal Time

This week load up on ice cream sundae toppings and have the whole family create their own masterpieces! When complete, look at the different sundaes and note how they’re all different! While enjoying, read Ephesians 2:8-10 (NLT) and the finish line above.

Then ask:

  • What differences did you see in each ice cream sundae? Why were they different?
  • What do these verses tell us about how God made us? (We are God’s masterpiece and because of Jesus we are made new)
  • Why can that help us to be content with who we are? (As your kids answer, remind them that God doesn’t make mistakes and does everything with purpose)

(because each person creating them is unique)

Friend: Drive Time

While in the car with your family this week, ask your kids what they like best about themselves. Is there something they wish was different? The culture we live in is constantly telling us to compare ourselves to other people and that usually leads to us thinking there’s something wrong with us or that we don’t measure up. Remind your kids that comparison is the thief of joy but when we remember that God made us in His image, we can rejoice and be content with the way He created us.

Counselor: Bedtime

As your family is getting ready for bed, read your kids Genesis 1:26-31. Talk to them about the truth that God created us different from everything else because He made us in His image. Ask them why that makes us special. Tell them that when we trust God, believe in His Son and are content with the way He made us, we can better reflect His image, who He is, and what He’s like, to the world around us. Reread verse 31 and ask them what God said about everything He created. It was “very good.” Pray and praise Him for His creativity.

Coach: Anytime

As you are getting your family ready for the day, read them Psalm 139:13-19. Talk to them about it means that God created everyone wonderfully complex and marvelous. Encourage each person in your family by sharing with them one way God specially created each of them and you see Him reflected in that attribute. Remind them that God has a plan for each of them and they can use the special way God made them to do the work He has planned for them.


Thank God for making you just as He wanted you. Ask Him to help you trust Him with the things about yourself you’re not content with and to glorify Himself thru you and your God given abilities.

Looking Ahead

Next week we will continue in our trait for March, CONTENTMENT!