Elementary Kit for July 26

Elementary Kit for July 26 Hero Image Elementary Kit for July 26 Hero Image

New to the Kit or looking for helpful hints on how to use it? Check out the Kids Kit Tips and Tricks - Elementary Edition where we share detailed instructions about the resources below.

Our elementary curriculum builds on the biblical foundation laid for kids in preschool. We want elementary kids to see the excellent character of our all-powerful God and why He is the hero of every story. We do that by looking at 36 godly character traits – one per month – with weekly Finish Lines that teach kids about God, His Word, and how He can help us reflect His character to the world.

Our character trait for July is WISDOM! Check out the Monthly Overview for a snapshot of everything we will be learning about this month.

This Week's Teaching Video

Additional Resources for July 26

  • Discussion Guide Continue the conversation with elementary kids using these discussion questions
  • Activity Guide Simple activities to help elementary kids review what they learned from the lesson this week
  • Drama Script Get creative and perform this week’s skit together
  • Elementary Spotify Playlist A playlist of some of our favorite songs
  • Special Needs Kit We know some of our amazing kids have special needs or other learning challenges. Here are tools to help you share the Bible story in a simple way with your child.

More ways to have a great week of worship...

Use these activities to keep talking about and applying what you learned this weekend throughout the week.

Teacher: Meal Time

Review the story of the man born blind in John 9. Talk about how all of us are like the blind man. We are all born spiritually blind and we can’t do anything to heal ourselves. We are helpless but Jesus can heal us! He can help us see Him for who He really is. As a family, talk about when you view wisdom more like a Pharisee (believing you have the knowledge to make it on your own) or more like the blind man (knowing you need help/sight). What difference can seeking Godly wisdom make in your life this week?

Friend: Drive Time

Make up hand motions to help you memorize this month’s memory verse, James 3:17. Once you have it down, try to sing the memory verse to the tune of whatever song comes on the radio next. Keep playing until you find a song that fits!

Counselor: Bedtime

As you get in bed, talk about how you have sought wisdom from God this week. Where do you wish you had asked God for wisdom instead of relying on your own knowledge? Thank God that all wisdom comes from Him and ask Him for wisdom for whatever may happen tomorrow!

Coach: Anytime

Grab a bag and place a couple of different items inside. Use one item that your child can identify and one that may be a little harder to identify. Allow your child to feel the object and then try to identify it and/or draw a picture of it without peeking. After they have made their guess, let him or her feel the object again. This time, provide clues or descriptions and allow your child to ask questions. See if he or she can guess correctly. When was it easier to guess the object? Talk about how seeking wisdom leads us to an answer and ultimately leads us to trusting Jesus.


Say a pray thanking God for providing wisdom when we seek it. Ask Him to increase your trust so that you will not be tempted to lean on our own understanding.