Elementary Kit for June 27

Elementary Kit for June 27 Hero Image Elementary Kit for June 27 Hero Image

New to the Kit or looking for helpful hints on how to use it? Check out the Kids Kit Tips and Tricks - Elementary Edition where we share detailed instructions about the resources below.

Our elementary curriculum builds on the biblical foundation laid for kids in preschool. We want elementary kids to see the excellent character of our all-powerful God and why He is the hero of every story. We do that by looking at 36 godly character traits – one per month – with weekly Finish Lines that teach kids about God, His Word, and how He can help us reflect His character to the world.

Our character trait for June is HOPE! Check out the Monthly Overview for a snapshot of everything we will be learning about this month.

This Week's Teaching Video

Additional Resources for June 27

  • Discussion Guide Continue the conversation with elementary kids using these discussion questions
  • Activity Guide Simple activities to help elementary kids review what they learned from the lesson this week
  • Drama Script Get creative and perform this week’s skit together
  • Elementary Spotify Playlist A playlist of some of our favorite songs
  • Special Needs Kit We know some of our amazing kids have special needs or other learning challenges. Here are tools to help you share the Bible story in a simple way with your child.

More ways to have a great week of worship...

Use these activities to keep talking about and applying what you learned this weekend throughout the week.

Teacher: Meal Time

Read Revelation 21:3-7. Review the promises you see from God in these verses. Which of these promises are you most excited about right now? How can knowing these promises of God change our lives? These promises are for all people who have been saved by faith in Jesus. How can you know for sure that you will get to be with God forever?

Friend: Drive Time

Create your own song for this month’s memory verse, Romans 15:13! Try to sing the memory verse with the first song that comes on the radio. Try doing it with different songs. You can also try to create your own tune or make up hand motions to go along with the words.

Counselor: Bedtime

Think and talk about a time when you have been or may be tempted to believe the world’s promises instead of God’s. (Examples: Money or more toys will make you happy. Being on the winning team is what matters most. Lying will keep you out of trouble. Etc.) Pray and ask God to help you to put your hope in His promises instead of anything temporary here on earth. Thank Him for being trustworthy and for always keeping His promises.

Coach: Anytime

Grab a few pieces of printer paper. Use a washable marker and write down different things that you want. Take a permanent marker and write down different promises of God. Make sure to write both on the paper. Then, take the sheets outside. Fill some water balloons with water. Practice your target throwing at the sheets of paper. Watch the “world’s promises” wash away on the paper while “God’s promises” remain. Have a water balloon fight as a family afterwards!


Father, thank you for always keeping your promises! Please help me to place my hope in you always.