Elementary Kit for November 15

Elementary Kit for November 15 Hero Image Elementary Kit for November 15 Hero Image

New to the Kit or looking for helpful hints on how to use it? Check out the Kids Kit Tips and Tricks - Elementary Edition where we share detailed instructions about the resources below.

Our elementary curriculum builds on the biblical foundation laid for kids in preschool. We want elementary kids to see the excellent character of our all-powerful God and why He is the hero of every story. We do that by looking at 36 godly character traits – one per month – with weekly Finish Lines that teach kids about God, His Word, and how He can help us reflect His character to the world.

Our character trait for November is THANKFULNESS! Check out the Monthly Overview for a snapshot of everything we will be learning about this month.

This Week's Teaching Video

Additional Resources for November 15

  • Discussion Guide Continue the conversation with elementary kids using these discussion questions
  • Activity Guide Simple activities to help elementary kids review what they learned from the lesson this week
  • Drama Script Get creative and perform this week’s skit together
  • Elementary Spotify Playlist A playlist of some of our favorite songs
  • Special Needs Kit We know some of our amazing kids have special needs or other learning challenges. Here are tools to help you share the Bible story in a simple way with your child.

More ways to have a great week of worship...

Use these activities to keep talking about and applying what you learned this weekend throughout the week.

Teacher: Meal Time

Read Ephesians 2:10 What are things that you like or dislike about yourself? How do these verses describe you? Talk about how God created you knowing everything about your life…the good and hard, your likes and dislikes, your hair, skin color, and height. All of this was part of His wonderful plan for your life! Isn’t that amazing? He knows everything about you and made you the way you are, inside and out, for a very specific purpose!

Friend: Drive Time

Play the alphabet game as you drive. Take turns finding consecutive letter of the alphabet on signs, license plates, or bumper stickers. Whoever finds a word with the next letter gets to say something about how God has created them, starting with that letter, that they can be thankful for. Example: Artistic, Befriends others easily, Creative thinker, Determined, etc. If it’s a shorter trip, remember the last letter you found and pick the game back up when the next time you are in the car.

Counselor: Bedtime

Parents, take time to tell your kids things that you are thankful for about each of them. Pray over you kids, thanking God for the way He uniquely created them. Give your kids a chance to pray and thank God for the way He made them, too. Remind them that, no matter what, you love them and, more importantly, God loves them.

Coach: Anytime

How is your Thankfulness Countdown Calendar going? If you haven’t started yet, no worries! Any time is a great time to start. At the end of each day, write down at least one thing you are thankful for. On Thanksgiving, share your reasons for being thankful as a family and thank God for them!


I give thanks to you Lord that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Great are your works! Thank you for reminding me of your love no matter what.