Over the last 46 years, almost 60 million fellow citizens of our country have been silently destroyed. Recently, on the forty-sixth anniversary of Roe v. Wadein New York, Governor Cuomo celebrated the passage of the “Reproductive Health Act,” which removed restrictions on late-term abortion. Rhode Island and Vermont are considering similar measures and joining the nine states allowing third-trimester abortions up to the point of birth.
Under the disguise of “the right to choose,” a holocaust, genocide, and infanticide are quietly taking place in our midst, and the Church cannot be silent. In Watermark’s recent weekend message, Love is a Verb, we discussed that love speaks, even when it causes pain, so the defenseless can be saved, and those who are hurting can find healing and hope in Christ. Below are opportunities for you to partner with Watermark’s Life Initiative as we advocate for life, care for those facing an unplanned pregnancy, and bring the hope of the gospel to those affected by past abortions.
Know the facts. Understand the hard truth of what abortion really is and see first-hand the ugly reality of abortive medical procedures (warning: this content is difficult to watch).
Care for, disciple, and build relationships with those facing an unplanned pregnancy. To eradicate abortion, it must be easier for a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy to walk into our community of faith than an abortion clinic. Pray for divine appointments and ask for God to sovereignly bring individuals across your path who need help in a crisis pregnancy.
Be a Parent Coach: The Watermark Life Initiative Parent Support team has piloted a group to come alongside women and men with unexpected pregnancies. Be apart of our upcoming training by emailing thelifeinitiative@watermark.org.
Help Women and Men Heal from Past Abortions: Our After-Abortion Care ministry serves women and men with past abortions and provides mentors to re:generation participants who have been part of an abortion. Contact us.
Join Your School District’s Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC): Every school district has a council of parents, students, teachers, and community organizations that determine the sex and health education curriculum used by educators. Contact your district’s school board for more information.
Contact Your Elected Officials: Encourage your elected officials to author, sponsor, or co-sponsor pro-life legislation abolishing abortion. Find out who your elected officials are and what bills have been filed each session.
Volunteer with Watermark Urgent Care: Every week four to six women with unexpected pregnancies come to the Watermark Urgent Care Clinic and find out they’re pregnant. Connect with the Clinic and be equipped to engage women with the gospel so that they can choose life for themselves and their child.
Serve with and support Prestonwood Pregnancy Center, Thrive or other nonprofit groups providing care and support to women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Our responsibility to end abortion goes well beyond simply voting for pro-life candidates or supporting organizations that care for these new mothers and fathers. As the Life Initiative at Watermark expands, consider how you can be informed and empowered to care for these women and men while upholding the right to life for every man and woman in the womb and out. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Start simply, and simply start.