An Accountant, an Alien, and an Athlete Walk Into a Church: Sermon Guide

An Accountant, an Alien, and an Athlete Walk Into a Church: Sermon Guide Hero Image An Accountant, an Alien, and an Athlete Walk Into a Church: Sermon Guide Hero Image

The following blog post contains notes and application questions from our December 2, 2018 message. For more from this series, check out Philippians: To Live Is Christ.


An accountant, an athlete, and an alien walk into Philippi… Have you heard that one? As we continue our series, “Philippians: To Live is Christ,” Todd Wagner walks us through chapter 3, teaching us to count everything but Christ as loss, to discipline ourselves like athletes for godliness, and to live as aliens in a foreign world.

Key Takeaways

  • The book of Philippians is not about joy, it’s about Jesus. And when you know Him, it will lead to joy. When you don’t know Him, you will be in a tough spot.
  • The purpose of everything on earth is to remind you that only Christ satisfies.
  • Paul doesn’t tell you to rejoice in anything of this world—family, kids, work, college football, hobbies—none of those things...only Jesus!
  • God gives us things to enjoy. He is a good Creator! But when we start to enjoy His creation more than Him, the Creator, it will not go well for us.
  • If you are wealthy, use it to do good...use it to advance the kingdom.
  • Good health is just the slowest way to die. We are all going to die! To live is Christ, to die is gain.
  • Count all worldly things as rubbish compared to knowing Christ. Beware of the dogs (they will destroy you) and the distractions (they will defeat you and diminish your joy) in this world.
  • Why would you want to be like Jesus? Because He died for you!
  • Christians aren’t competing for a fleeting prize.
  • Press on, forget what lies behind, and reach forward to what lies ahead...eternity!
  • When you sin, confess it and journal about it. Learn from it.
  • Discipline yourself to be as righteous as you can be because there is nothing as good as living for God.

Questions for Reflection, Discussion, and Application

  • Have you been criticized this week? If you haven’t been, it’s probably because you haven’t been delivering the gospel faithfully. Go share the gospel with someone this next week!
  • What thing(s) in this world are you most tempted to rejoice in: family, kids, work, sports team, hobbies, etc.? What’s one way in the next week you can tangibly put Christ above whatever that thing is?
  • One of the best ways to live for Jesus every day is to think about eternity. For the next seven days, every day, spend at least 5-minutes each day thinking about eternity and heaven.