“For a long time, I believed that having money and knowing truth would bring me a life of freedom," said Eric Field. "I gauged my life on the success of business ventures and the admiration I received from women. I thought the route of going to college, getting a job, making money to buy better and better things, having kids, and guiding them toward this same path, then retiring early was the road to happiness.
“I still wanted to discover the ‘truth’ about life, freedom, and success, but I became content in knowing quite a bit about physics, science, and psychology. I found some answers along the way, but those things did not answer my biggest question: ‘Does God exist?’
“So, I set out to find answers. I tried to put my biases aside as I began reading books, watching videos, going to debates, and taking in as much information as I could.
“After a lot of research, I was convinced that a higher power must exist. It seemed more likely than not that there was a god, but since there are so many religions, I didn’t know what was true. Other religions sounded nice and inclusive, but I still felt like something was missing.
“Out of all of these religions, Christianity seemed to be the easiest to disprove because it was based around a real historical event, the resurrection of Jesus. I thought, ‘If the resurrection didn’t happen, it couldn’t be true.’ I assumed it would only take a month or so of research¬ing before disproving Christ’s resurrection and Christianity entirely.
“I was surprised to find that there was a lot of evidence that supported the resurrection of Jesus, but I still had questions. I attended Great Questions, a ministry at Watermark where people with doubts and questions are welcomed to discuss and learn more about a relationship with Christ. There, I was able to ask tough, challenging questions and was answered with grace, biblical truth, patience, and kindness. By the end of the session, I was pridefully trying to convince myself that I came to the wrong conclusion. I knew admitting that I believed Christ died for my sins would change everything in my life, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that.
“While talking with one of the leaders at Great Questions, he gave me an analogy, ‘It sounds like you’ve been doing all the detective work, but eventually you’re going to have to draw a conclusion. That’s what any good detective does. With what you now know, could you go back to being an atheist?’
“To be honest, I couldn’t go back, but I had so many questions. That leader met with me every week for the next eight or nine months. He answered all of my questions and taught me that faith means trusting in the Lord wholeheartedly.
“While reading the book of Matthew, I was blown away. Jesus didn’t say the things I assumed He would say. He said things that were culture-shaking. From Scripture, I learned about sin, the brokenness in my own life, and my need for a savior.
“I thought I had to obtain power and wealth to experience the good life. But I read in God’s Word that all I needed to do was surrender my independent heart to God, and He would guide and change me. The ‘good life’ I was looking for is eternal life with Christ, freely given to us by God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).
“I always thought when I found truth that it was going to be an equation or an idea, but it turns out that truth was a person named Jesus who doesn’t seek to condemn the world but came to save it (John 12:47).
“God was extending a hand of grace to me to surrender all my brokenness to Him with the promise that He would redeem me. I was trying to steer the ship of my life, but I learned that was never my job. I could enjoy the journey with dependence on Him to captain the ship well. Instead of seeking to figure things out on my own, I now trust in the Lord with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). I have found such freedom and purpose in living for Christ alone.
“If you are still holding onto control of your life like I was, I challenge you to surrender and trust Christ. Look into the truth of Christianity and ask the tough questions. God is gracious to sinners like you and me. He changed every¬thing – my relationships, my desires, and my heart – and now, most importantly, I’m living life with the God of the universe. What more of an adventure could one ask for?”
Great Questions is a safe place to ask the tough questions. Join us Monday nights at 7:30 PM.