Three Activities for Preschool Families: Ruth Cares for Naomi

Three Activities for Preschool Families: Ruth Cares for Naomi Hero Image Three Activities for Preschool Families: Ruth Cares for Naomi Hero Image

Putting others first is not something that children do naturally – and neither do we. Sin stains all of us with an automatic “me first” mentality that has to be trained and disciplined out of us.This week’s activities are a great way to continue that training in your kids. Ask the Lord to give you opportunities to put others first this week, too!

HIGHLIGHTS from the Weekend…

This week, your child learned that we show others God’s love by putting them first and that God can be trusted, no matter what happens. In the story of Ruth, a young woman from Moab was married to one of Naomi’s sons. When Naomi’s husband and sons died, she urged her daughters-in-law to return to their people and their gods. One left for her homeland, but Ruth stayed. She wanted to remain with Naomi and take care of her. She followed Naomi to a land and a people unfamiliar to her. While in this new land, she cared for Naomi. She gathered grain and took good care of her mother-in- law. The Lord was with Ruth, and He provided for her. Ruth became the wife of Boaz, a relative of Naomi. Later, Ruth gave birth to a son. King David and later Jesus came from this lineage. (Ruth 1- 4)

Teaching Truth:

  1. We show others God's love by putting others first.
  2. We can trust God no matter what happens.

Memory Verse

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind... and love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:37-39

3 Activities that Help Us Learn That We Show Others God's Love By Putting Others First and We Can Trust God No Matter What Happens:

1. Pasta Necklace

Create a necklace to help your child remember how important it is to care for others. When at the store, purchase a couple of different hollow types of pasta to use for the necklace. Help your child cut out one to two-inch squares or circles out of card stock or construction paper and punch a hole in the top of each square. Brainstorm with your child people he cares about and write each name on a square. Using the pasta pieces and squares make a pattern/design and then thread the pasta and squares together using a string. Tie the ends of the string together to make a necklace. Use these questions to talk with your child about how Ruth cared for others.

  1. How do you think Ruth felt?
  2. Was Ruth more concerned with her own happiness or with caring for others?
  3. How did God take care of Ruth?
  4. Why should we care for other people?
  5. What are some of the ways God has taken care of us?

2. Caring for Others

Each morning this week, help your child think of one person he can especially take care of that day and things he might do for that person. Depending on your child’s ability, you might come up with something along these lines:

  1. Monday - prepare and serve snacks for siblings
  2. Tuesday - “polish” Daddy’s shoes (wipe with a damp rag)
  3. Wednesday - help Mommy put the dishes away
  4. Thursday - make banana bread or muffins together and take it to a neighbor
  5. Friday - color a picture to take to church on Sunday and give to his teacher. Help him write, “Thank you for taking care of me!” on the note.

3. Follow the Leader

Play follow the leader, just as Ruth followed Naomi. Make an obstacle course using pillows, chairs, stools or whatever you have around the house so your child can climb over, under and around obstacles. Take turns being the leader (Naomi) and the follower (Ruth).


Dear God, thank you for teaching us your Truth through the story of Naomi and Ruth. Thank you for being a trustworthy and loving God and Father to us. We pray that you would help us to draw closer to you and love your more every day. Amen.