Who doesn’t love a good story? It might be in a book or a movie or told around the campfire. Good stories are filled with adventure and suspense, characters you identify with and bring you both laughter and tears. There’s always a villain, of course, and, at times, it can seem like hope is lost. But then the Hero arrives at just the right time and defeats the enemy that once seemed invincible. The Hero rescues his people and they all live happily ever after. Stories like this touch a deep part of our souls that knows there is truth in these tales. These stories point to one big story that has been told since the beginning of time. We’re still in the middle of it, but we can trust that our Hero is good, that he is coming to rescue us and, one day, those of us in his family WILL get to live happily ever after.
BIBLE TIMELINE: Creation-Patriarchs-Exodus
MEMORY VERSE: “In the beginning, God created he heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 (NLT)
This Week’s Finish Line: Creation - Patriarchs - Exodus
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. We can read the story God has been writing since that moment in His Word. The bible may seem like a bunch of different stories but it really does tell just one story, God’s Story. The first 3 eras of the bible timeline introduce us to our all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing Creator God, His chosen people and promises He made to the whole world. Through Creation, Patriarchs and Exodus we see time and time again how God remains faithful even when His chosen people are not. They have moments of great faith followed quickly by foolishness. Thankfully the Lord never gives up on them, and in the same way, He will never give up on us. He will always keep His promises because He is holy, just, loving and faithful.
Family Questions:
- What is your favorite story? Why? Can you think of anything in your favorite story that points back to God’s story?
- What is your favorite thing about God? Why? Do you know a story from the Bible where God shows that?
- What is one thing you know about the Creation, Patriarchs and Exodus eras?
- Why do you think God gave us the Bible? Why do you think the Old Testament is important?
Bring it Home Conversations & Activities:
* Check out our vision for parents and how to use these activities each week.
Teacher: Teaching the Timeline
At the dinner table, pull out the handout your child received on Sunday, and if you don’t have one you can find it here. Review all three eras with your family. Work on memorizing all four words that go with each era as well as talk through what happened in each era. After you have gone over it and reviewed it, have your child stand up and teach you about the first three eras using the handout.
Friend: God's Story
As you are driving with your family ask them what their favorite stories are. After they have explained and told you their favorite story, ask if they understand that they are IN God’s story. Explain how God has a purpose for each one of us and how He has put us in His big story!
"For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, that God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
Help them to see that God has a plan and a purpose for them that fits into the big story of the whole world.
Counselor: God Never Changes!
As you are putting your family to bed, spend some time talking about God. Ask your kids if they can think of anything that DOESN’T change. After letting them try to think of something explain to them that only God never changes. He was the same even back in the days of Noah, Daniel and the Lion's Den, and David and Goliath. He will also stay the same for the rest of time! God is faithful and loving and He never changes. That is something we should be very thankful for!
Coach: Bible Timeline
As you are getting your family ready for the day spend time reviewing the motions of our Bible timeline. If you don’t have a printed timeline you can find it here. Give your family an incentive to have the whole timeline memorized!
Thank God for being the same God in both the Old and New Testaments. Thank Him for being faithful to always keep His promises and do what He says He will do.
Looking Ahead
Next week we will continue the month of November with the Godly characteristic of FEAR. We will learn that fear begins by believing God is not safe but He is good.
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