We Can Be Made Pure Because of Jesus

We Can Be Made Pure Because of Jesus Hero Image We Can Be Made Pure Because of Jesus Hero Image

God started writing our salvation story from the beginning of time. He wove His purity in and throughout creation, and even though we are stained by sin, He made a way for us to know Him. The entire Bible centers around the story of Someone who came to die so that we could be clean and free from the power of sin. The Savior no one saw coming. The baby born in a manger, announced by angels, and worshipped by shepherds. This week, we celebrate the fact that we can be made pure because of Jesus!

PURITY: Being clean and free from the power of sin

MEMORY VERSE: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 (NIV)

This Week’s Finish Line: We can be made pure because of Jesus

Romans 5:17-19 reminds us that because of one man’s sin (Adam), every person’s relationship with God was broken. It goes on to say that because of Christ’s one act of righteousness (dying on the cross), every person has a way for their relationship with God to be restored and made pure. That’s why Christmas is such a big deal! Sure, Christmas is when we read passages like Luke 2:1-20 and Matthew 1:18- 2:12, but may we never forget the reason Jesus was born – to live a perfect life, die on the cross for sins, and make a way for all who believe to be restored to Him. We can be made pure because of Jesus!

Family Questions:

Read Luke 2

  1. Who are Joseph and Mary? Where were they going and why?
  2. How was Jesus different than every other baby ever born? (He was fully God and fully man. He lived a pure and perfect life. He was not stained with sin like everyone else.)
  3. Reread verse 11. What amazing news did the angels tell the shepherds? (The angels said that the Savior they had been waiting for was born in Bethlehem.) Why do you think the news was so amazing?
  4. Look at verses 16-17. How would you feel if you were a shepherd and heard this news? What did the shepherds do after the angels left? (They went to find Jesus and then told everyone about what happened!)

Bring it Home Conversations & Activities:

* Check out our vision for parents and how to use these activities each week.

Teacher: Meal Time

Read Romans 5:17-19 and talk through the following questions with your kids. What do you remember about Adam from last week? What did he do? (He chose to disobey God.) Was he pure? (He was pure when God created Him but then he sinned and became stained. Because God is pure and holy, our sin broke our relationship with God.) Look at verse 18. What was the one act of righteousness this verse is talking about? (Jesus was pure but chose to take our punishment and die on the cross. Then, after 3 days, He came back to life again and defeated death!) What amazing gift does Jesus give to everyone who trusts in Him? (When we choose to be humble, admit we can never clean ourselves from the stain of sin, and confess that we need Jesus, He will forgive us our sins and make us pure again. Then, after we have received God’s free gift of grace, we can have a relationship with our pure, perfect, and holy God again! We get to be with Him forever!)

Friend: Drive Time

Just as the shepherds went and told others all about how they met the Savior, who can you tell this year about the true meaning of Christmas? Practice sharing the candy cane gospel you learned at church this weekend. If you weren’t there, check out the Candy Cane Gospel Poem and read it the next time you eat a candy cane!

Counselor: Bedtime

Thank God for coming to earth as a baby and living a pure life so He could be a perfect sacrifice for you. Thank Him for the work He has done and continues to do in your life. Ask Him to give you chances to share His amazing news, just like shepherds did the first Christmas.

Coach: Anytime

It’s not too late to start an Advent guide with your family this year! There is a scripture reading and short devo every day you can read together. Also, at the end of the PDF, you’ll find pages of ornaments which you can decorate daily and hang on your tree or around your house to remind you of God’s great story of Christmas!


Thank God for never leaving you and for always having a plan to heal our broken relationship with Him and make us pure again. Thank Him for sending His Son, Jesus, who took our punishment so that we could be made pure!

Looking Ahead

Next week is Christmas Eve! We will not have any Kids Ministry for kids over the age of 4. Enjoy time together as a family!

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