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When We Know Our Purpose, We Serve God and Use Our Gifts

When We Know Our Purpose, We Serve God and Use Our Gifts Hero Image When We Know Our Purpose, We Serve God and Use Our Gifts Hero Image

“Man’s chief end (his purpose) is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.” This is the first and most well known belief statement in the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Our purpose hasn’t changed since 1647 when these words were first written. Every day we have a choice to intentionally live for God. He has given each of us different gifts, talents, and opportunities we can choose to use for ourselves or choose to use for Him. When we know our purpose and choose to serve Him we learn what a joy it is to glorify Him with all He’s given us.

PURPOSE: Intentionally Living For God

MEMORY VERSE: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." COLOSSIANS 3:23 (NLT)

This Week’s Finish Line: When We Know Our Purpose, We Serve God and Use Our Gifts

No one is too important or too lowly to be used by God for His purpose. Shepherds were some of the poorest people in Israel at the time of Jesus and others didn’t always have the nicest things to say about them. The wise men, on the other hand, were invited to the king’s palace and had lots of money and influence. The shepherds didn’t have anything to bring but they worshipped Jesus the day He was born. The wise men traveled a long way and gave expensive gifts to Jesus and His family as a way to honor Him. Whether you have a lot or a little, when you know your purpose and trust our good God, we can use whatever we have to serve and glorify Him.

Family Questions:

  1. Read Luke 2:8-20 and Matthew 2:1-12. What gifts did the shepherds and wise men have? How did they both serve God with their gifts?
  2. How did the shepherds and wise men not only glorify God but encourage others (Joseph and Mary) with their gifts?
  3. What gifts has God given you? What is one way you can be intentional with the gifts God has given you this week? How could you encourage someone else with your gifts?

Bring it Home Conversations & Activities:

* Check out our vision for parents and how to use these activities each week.

Teacher: What Are Your Gifts?

At dinner this week discuss with your family all the different kinds of gifts that God has given you. Such as time, talents, and treasures. Explain how time truly is a gift from God, how talents are things like musical abilities or athletic abilities, and how treasures are things like the gifts under the Christmas tree. Talk about different ways that you can be purposeful in using these gifts for God’s glory.

Friend: Using Your Gifts for God's Purpose

Ask your kids to think about people that they could use their gifts to bless. Make and execute a plan of how you can intentionally use the gifts God has given you to bless this person or persons. Be sure to remind your family that you are using your gifts to love other people, which brings glory to God.

Counselor: Bible Time

Spend some time in the Bible with your family looking up verses about our purpose. Ecclesiastes 12:13, Matthew 28:19-20 and 1 Corinthians 10:31 are great verses to start with. Pick your favorite verses and write them down on note cards and then tape them in places around your house that will ensure that you see them often.

Coach: Praying Scripture

In the morning before your kids go to school or you go to work spend a few minutes praying a purpose Bible verse over each other. In the evenings follow up with them and ask if they saw a difference in their days because of that prayer.


Thank God for giving you a purpose for your life and for the gifts He has given you to use for Him. Ask Him to show you new ways you can use those gifts to glorify Him. Thank Him for how you’ve seen him work in other people’s lives around you. Amen.

Looking Ahead

REMINDER: Next weekend, December 27th, we will not have service. Starting back up again in January we will begin our new godly character trait of Self-Control.

Also, the Treefort will be closed the week following Christmas (December 28th - January 1st). Sorry for any inconvenience! Happy Holidays!

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