The Life Initiative equips the church to care for women, men, and the preborn in unexpected pregnancies and abortions.
The Watermark Life Initiative helps parents, students, and young adults to think rightly about who we are as bearers of God's image.
We envision a world where:
We are making abortion unthinkable and the perception unnecessary by coming alongside those who are hurting and engaging strategically in our community.
Here are resources to help you:
The defining question about abortion is, "What is the preborn?" The answer to this question provides clarity regarding any decision made that may impact life in the womb including which method(s) of birth control a married couple chooses.
We've put together a helpful guide on birth control to provide insights regarding birth control methods, effectiveness rates, and conversations to have with your spouse and doctor and a helpful chart discussing different birth control methods.
ProLife Apologetics includes 12 sessions and 4 testimonies addressing the variety of issues related to abortion, caring for women and men, and more. You can also download the Discussion Guide.
These additional resources are available:
Counseling a Friend Considering Abortion
Counseling a Friend After an Abortion
Considering Abortion? A Guide for Women and Men With an Unexpected Pregnancy
Parenting Conversations About Sex & Purity is a five-part resource to equip parents with appropriate language and conversations starters for their kids at different stages of maturity.
Ascend is the nation’s leader in Sexual Risk Avoidance. For over a decade, they have helped thousands of America’s youth make smart, forward-thinking choices about their sexual behavior.
Just Say YES empowers young adults and adolescents to achieve their goals and dreams through school partnerships and assemblies.
Interested in serving with us? Read through the areas of ministry we lead to determine where your gifts could best be used, then apply.
Training leaders to mentor women and men with unexpected pregnancies through the decision to choose life and delivery of their child after the first year.
Care and recovery for women and men with past abortions and those impacted by an abortion decision.
TLI supports women and men with unexpected pregnancies connecting them to resources available through Watermark Community Church (i.e. marriage preparation and restoration, financial management, housing and transportation resources, etc.). Some of these services are provided directly through ministries of Watermark, and others are associated with ministry partners or other services in the community available to families.
The decision to abort is often made within a short window of time. Therefore, what you say and don’t say matters. Affirm the feelings of regret, judgment, isolation, uncertainty, and fear are real, but those feelings are not reliable. Speak truth gently, and remind them of God’s great love for them. Encourage them that while the pregnancy may be unexpected, it is not ‘unexpected’ to God. He works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28) and devises ways to restore you to Himself (2 Samuel 14:14). Using the encouragement of God’s Word as your guide, give them a bold and confident vision for what the Lord can do in their life and the life of their preborn child. If you can sincerely follow through on supporting them if they choose to parent or place for adoption, share your support. provides some simple-to-follow talking points if you need a quick resource.
Abortion is the elective procedure to end the life of a developing human in a woman’s uterus. Over 60 million abortions have occurred in the United States since the legalization of abortion in 1973. Abortions are legal until 20-24 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the laws of the state. Four types of abortions are performed, each depending on how developed the embryo or fetus is. Visit to learn more. According to the British Journal of Psychiatry, “abortion is associated with moderate to highly increased risks of psychological problems subsequent to the procedure”. (source)
Register yourself to vote (click here to register in Dallas County), and educate yourself about the candidates running for public office as well as those who are in office. Visit for more information.
The Guttmacher Institute published a comprehensive database regarding the laws on abortion for each State which can be found here. The variation in laws mostly involve when an abortion can take place (at 20 or 24 weeks of pregnancy), where an abortion can be administered, consent for a minor, and funding of abortions.
SLED is an acronym for size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency. Each aspect represents a counter argument to common issues justifying abortion. A simple explanation of each point follows:
We do not justify terminating the life of an individual based upon how small or large the human being is. Therefore, abortion cannot be justified based on how small a developing human might be.
There are many stages of development for every human being. We all begin as a fertilized egg and develop into an embryo, fetus, infant, toddler, child, teenager, young adult, and adult. At no point in our development are we any less human, and therefore, any less valuable simply because we are not fully developed adults.
The environment where a human being exists, regardless of their size or level of development, also does not contribute to how human they are or what value they have. A fetus is no less human than a newborn infant simply because it travels six inches through the birth canal.
Our degree of dependency cannot determine our humanity or value either. Infants as well as the elderly require varying degrees of dependency, and we universally reject terminating their lives due to the inconvenience they place on their caretakers.
Collectively, the SLED argument provides a simple framework for advocates to think and articulate logically about abortion.
For more insights, visit Real Truth. Real Quick. on a myriad of issues including abortion, voting, and parenting.