Watermark Health

Empowering the local church to care for the physical and spiritual needs of the healthcare system’s most vulnerable populations.

Give to Watermark Health

So that the multitudes may be healed.

We are a community health ministry that operates three urgent care clinics (one of which is a mobile clinic) in Dallas and Collin Counties. We provide medical services to over 11,000 patients annually, at little to no cost to the patients, and without requiring insurance or identification.

Learn more about our services.

Give to Watermark Health

On average, it costs approximately $70 for each patient visit and over $2 million annually to oversee operations for our three clinics and provide the variety of medical services that are utilized by over 11,000 patients every year. By the Lord’s provision and through the generosity of the body of Christ, we’ve been able to offer no-cost visits to under-insured and uninsured patients and have taken no government funds to date.

As we continue to expand our medical services and see lives transformed by the gospel, we invite you to invest in the mission by giving a tax-deductible contribution to Watermark Health. Give online or mail checks to:

Watermark Health
7616 LBJ Freeway Suite 405
Dallas, Texas 75251

Give Online

Serve with Watermark Health

We have various medical, non-medical and virtual/offsite ways to serve our city through Watermark Health. Our clinics intentionally operate with a smaller staff to create space for our patients to interact with volunteers. Join our team of 150+ volunteers to be a part of seeing God heal the multitudes in our city!

Apply to serve with Watermark Health by first watching our volunteer orientation videos.

Our Services

Our Urgent Care Clinics

We operate three walk-in urgent care clinics (one of which is a mobile clinic) in Dallas and Collin Counties. Our clinics offer medical services at little to no cost to anyone who is underinsured or uninsured.

Additional Specialty Services

In addition to urgent care, the Lord has grown our capacity to offer dental services, hypertension management programs, and early-term prenatal services including pregnancy tests, sonograms, gynecological urgent care, and referrals for pregnancy services.

Resources & Ministry Referrals

As we sit across from patients and address their medical needs, we see firsthand how their social, economic, and relational needs can also be vast and varied. In partnership with Watermark Community Church and other similar community resources, we have over a hundred ministry and medical referral resources to connect patients with their best next step.

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