Called For Impact

Homeward Bound

Here is an introduction to the book of 1 Thessalonians and a look into chapter 1. The theme of the book is living in light of Christ?s return. Being clear about your destination gives focus and direction to your life. You don?t have to be a Super Saint or attend a superchurch to have a significant impact on God?s kingdom ? rather, you should order your life for impacting the world.

Kyle KaiglerJul 14, 20021 Thessalonians 1

About 'Homeward Bound'

It's a fact that Jesus is coming back for His church. So how do we live expectantly as we wait for His return? This five-part series by Kyle Kaigler explores this question through a study of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians. You'll find out how you can gain focus and direction in life by becoming clear about our ultimate destination in Christ.