Coloring Outside the Lines

How Big Is Your God?

We often want to draw a picture of God and put Him inside a box, but God is much bigger, greater and more powerful than we can imagine. His purposes don't always work the way that we think they should but they are always for His glory and our good. Observe through Genesis 1 God's sovereignty over creation and the reasons we should worship Him alone.

Blake HolmesJul 10, 2005Genesis 1:1 - 2:2

About 'How Big Is Your God?'

How big is your God? Do you believe He is able to meet your deepest needs? Help you overcome your past? Strengthen you to face todays challenges? Unfortunately, for too many of us, our God is too small! In this 5-part series, Blake Holmes will help you rediscover the God of the Bible whose power and supremacy is clearly revealed through: creation, government, providence, judgment and salvation. Learn what the Bible has to say about the character of God and fall in love with the One who reigns supreme over heaven and earth.