You Only Live Forever


Most of us can agree, there are few phrases as annoying as "YOLO." It's an acronym for "You only live once," but what it really stands for is, "I'm going to die someday, so this is my excuse to do something stupid. Look at me, I'm being an idiot and I don't care!" This silly little word has gone viral in every way and there's no denying that it is reinforcing and expanding a major problem of our generation: the inability to take life seriously and to live for something more than just the moment. At #DTown13, students are invited to take life seriously and consider a new (less catchy) motto, "YOLF" or "You only live forever." This is a more adequate motto by which to live. There is a God who is writing a bigger story, an eternal story, and He has invited you to be a part of it.

Jonathan PokludaFeb 8, 2013