Compassion for Those Staggering to Slaughter: What it Means to be God's Man and God's Church

This is the Life! Volume 2

Can a passive church be a prevailing one? Can followers of Christ who turn a blind eye to injustice and evil still characterize themselves as fully devoted to Christ? Todd discusses the example of compassion modeled to us by Jesus and exhorts us to serve those in bondage to oppression and sin, both as individuals and as Christ's church. Even in the face of rejection and persecution.

Todd WagnerMar 4, 2007Proverbs 24:11-12

About 'This is the Life! Volume 2'

It's the ultimate self-help book. Centuries before Drs. Laura, Phil and Benjamin came on the scene to tell us how to live, love and parent wisely, God weighed in on these matters in the Book of Proverbs. Today's "life coaches" have simply repackaged God's wisdom but the concepts are timeless and truly life-changing. In this multi-volume series, Todd Wagner combs through the book's 31 chapters and identifies principles for approaching life with wisdom and skill. Each of the attributes is perfectly embodied in the person of Jesus Christ and guaranteed to bring abundant life to those who apply them - regardless of whether they've chosen to acknowledge Christ as Lord or not. Discover the blessed life God has in store for you in Volume 2 of this practical and applicable series on Proverbs.