How to Fight with Your Friend

You've Got a Friend in Me

God has designed us to be people who live in relationship with one another, and our friendships can be one of the most important parts of our lives. Yet, if we are being honest, friendships can be really difficult. Over the course of this three week series, You've Got a Friend in Me, we are going to look at God's Word and see His design for how we are to relate with those around us, how we can be a good friend, why good friends matter, and how to work through the difficulties that will arise in our friendships.

Jan 26, 2020

Discussion Questions

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  1. Who was at Wake this weekend and can recap what we talked about?

  2. When you are upset with or hurt by a friend, what is your typical response to that conflict?
    -Avoid (pretend everything is all good), Attack (you hurt me, so I hurt you), Assume (negatively assuming the other person's motives), etc.

  3. Why do you think God cares so deeply about how we handle conflict? Read 2 Cor. 18-21.
    -The way we handle conflict and pursue reconciliation with others reflects the reconciliation we've received from Christ. We forgive as we've been forgiven (Eph. 4:32)

  4. Read Matthew 7:1-6. The first step in handling conflict is admitting your own wrong. What hinders your ability to "get the log out of your own eye"?
    -Own 100% of your 2% of the problem.

  5. Read Colossians 3:12-13. After identifying your "2%", when is the last time you asked for forgiveness for a hurt you caused?

  6. Read 2 Corinthians 7:10 and Proverbs 26:11. After seeking forgiveness, we are to walk in repentance. What does genuine repentance look like?
    -A change of course; we don't continue to walk in our sin or run back to it.

  7. After we've owned our part of the conflict, how should we go about addressing the other person's issue? Read Matt. 18:15 and Gal. 6:1.
    -We should talk to them individually in a spirit of gentleness and peace, not one of anger or malice.

  8. When someone admits their wrong and asks for your forgiveness, is it easy for you to extend forgiveness to them? Why or why not?

  9. What should you do if someone doesn't initially respond well to you individually? Read Matt. 18:15-17.
    -You should bring along one or two other trusted friends committed to reconciliation, and then widen the circle if needed after that (small group leaders, parents, etc.).

  10. Is there any relationship in your life right now where you are experiencing conflict? How can you apply what we've just learned?