Community Groups in COVID-19

Church Leaders Podcast Live

Wondering how to best facilitate small groups and keep people connected to community amid COVID-19? David Dzina (Senior Director of Community and Connecting) joins Adam and John to discuss all things community.

David Dzina, Adam Tarnow, John McGeeApr 2, 2020


This episode was recorded LIVE on the new Church Leadership Podcast Liveshow, a part of Watermark TV. To view past episodes visit our Youtube Channel, or go to for show notes and more.

Show Notes

Best Practices and for Community in COVID-19:
  • Stay Connected – Put God first. Before anything, you should be fighting to devote daily to the Lord. Put your spouse (if married), family, and community second. Remember to relationally invest in others even if it is over screens. Consider sharing Life Maps together and getting to know someone in your community better. This may be one of the unique times where you have the margin to hear people's stories completely.
  • Live Authentically – Now more than ever, if you have a need, share it. If you are struggling with anxiety, fear, loneliness, let someone know. We want groups to live out Galatians 6:2 and carry each other’s burdens.  Don't talk yourself out of being authentic by saying everyone is the same boat. Feel the freedom to express yours hurts and worries even if you feel your story is frequently expressed. As a leader, this is a time to lead with authenticity.
  • Keep it Fun – We’ve heard many stories of families and community groups playing games with other groups virtually. Perhaps, you are having dinner together virtually, playing a board game via FaceTime, or enjoying a picnic in your lawn with the neighbors. There are plenty of ways to enjoy interactions while remaining faithful to what authorities are asking us.  Leaders have an opportunity in this time to up their creativity and cultivate fun experiences.
  • Do Activities Together – Whether it’s all taking an online course together, reading a book as a group, or sharing recipes each evening, successful groups are coming together and sharing with one another. Perhaps find a book of the Bible to dive deep into with your community.
  • Fight the Quarantine 15 – With unprecedented access to snacks and most gyms closed, it can be too easy eat mindlessly and sit on the couch all day. Consider working out virtually with your community groups. There are plenty of free workouts available online that groups can take advantage of.  Current lockdown procedure allows for walking and biking. Consider getting outdoors and enjoying some fresh air.
  • Reach Out Every Day – Pick a member of your community group every day and give them a call. Check in on one another. Make sure you know how people are doing and don’t wait for something unfortunate to occur before you reach out.
  • Memorize Scripture Together – Now more than ever it is important to have Scripture written on our hearts. Choose some verses or a passage that encourages you and challenge your community to memorize it together.

Mentioned Resources