Who Do You Think You Are?: You are Adopted

Who Do You Think You Are?

Jacob AlgerOct 24, 2021Dallas

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Ephesians 1:3-6 as a group: what do you think Paul means when he says we are adopted? *(Being adopted by God is the greatest reward we could ever receive.)

  2. God could have chosen any way He wanted to bring us into his family, but he chose to make it happen in this imagery of adoption. Why do you think he did it this way? How does this help explain the relationship we have with him?

  3. What do you think are some misconceptions about being “adopted” into God’s family? *(i.e. it’s all going to be rainbows & easy street, no harm will ever come to me, I can just live how I want and God will always forgive me once I’m his, etc)

  4. "Adopted" means we become a member of Gods family. How could you do a better job acting like a "member of Gods family" around your own family?

  5. Do you know anyone at your school who doesn't know about the message of "adoption"? How can you engage with them this week?

About 'Who Do You Think You Are?'

Do you know who you are? The world tells us we should be identified by how we look, what we have, or what we do, however, the only one who can tell us who we are is the God who made us. This series we will examine the words Paul used to describe our identity in Christ (Ephesian 1:3-6). We are going to be learning about who we are and what we are meant for!