Let's Face It: Anxiety

Let's Face It

Austin MankinNov 21, 2021Dallas

Discussion Questions

  1. What is your greatest fear?

  2. How often would you say you worry about things? What are some of the things you tend to be anxious or worried about?

  3. How do you usually cope with your anxiety? How does the world tend to cope
    with anxiety?

  4. Read 1 Peter 5:6-7: According these verses, the first step in removing anxiety is to humble yourself. Why is anxiety connected to pride? Anxiety makes you focus on yourself and is rooted in the pride that Gods will get it wrong.

  5. How might humility bring a positive effect to your most anxious situations and relationships if applied? "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.”

  6. Read Matthew 6:26-27: Why do you think it’s hard to let go of control and trust
    God for your future? “Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only
    empties today of its strength.”

  7. Four ways to find freedom from anxiety (C.A.R.E.). How could you apply these to your life?

  8. Cast, dont carry (1 Peter 5:7) -Trade anxiety for Truth

  9. Ask for help (1 Peter 5:5) -Pride refuses to ask for help.

  10. Recognize you are never alone (1 Peter 5:9) -Your struggle isn't unique

  11. Expect things to get better (1 Peter 5:10) -We have hope for the future

About 'Let's Face It'

Let's face it there are many hard topics and situations middle schoolers face on a weekly basis. In this series we tackle them head on and talk about how God's word informs our loneliness, anxiety, depression, and bullying. We hope to face these topics head on and make them a normal conversation for Small Groups and students.