
Pre-Marriage Class

Merge prepares seriously dating and engaged couples for marriage by addressing common challenges from a biblical perspective in a fun and authentic environment.

Register for Merge
Ministry Information
location_on Dallas
7540 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Dallas, TX 75251
person_pin Emily McCaffrey
Premarried Assistant
Email Emily
supervised_user_circle Bring Merge to your church
Healthy marriages start long before the wedding.

Couples who participate in pre-marital counseling experience an increase in marital fulfillment over those who do not. Merge prepares seriously dating and engaged couples for marriage by addressing common challenges from a biblical perspective. Classes include:

  • Large group teaching time
  • Small group discussion with a trained mentor couple
  • Personalized learning opportunities

Whether you go to Watermark, attend another church, or don't go to church at all, you are welcome to attend.

Twogether in Texas

Merge is Twogether in Texas certified: Couples who complete Merge receive a premarital course certificate that, when presented to the court clerk, saves $60 off their marriage license and waives the 72-hour waiting period.


Two on Two Mentoring

Two on Two mentoring is available for engaged couples who have completed Merge and are members at Watermark.

In this fun intimate setting, you will get the opportunity to meet with a mentor couple four to six times prior to your wedding. Couples will complete a marriage assessment which will serve as a guide for your time with your mentor couple. Couples who are Watermark members and getting married on our campus or are requesting a Watermark officiate will need to complete Two on Two mentoring.

If you meet the requirements above, and are interested in 2on2 mentoring, please contact us at least four months prior to your wedding date.

Merge Class Options

Eight Week Class

Offered on Wednesday and Monday nights at Watermark Dallas – the ideal option for most couples.

The 8-week class costs $90 per couple.

Registration links for each class will be posted online exactly two months in advance at 8am.

Weekend Class

For couples where one or both live out of town and are unable to complete the eight-week class.

The weekend class costs $120 per couple. A typical weekend class runs from 5:30-9:30 on Friday evening and all day Saturday.

Registration links for each class will be posted online exactly two months in advance at 8am.

Current & Upcoming Merge Classes

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