
Moneywise is as an introductory biblical money management class to lead people into a lifestyle of faithful stewardship through solid, biblical money management skills.

Ministry Information
location_on Dallas
7540 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Dallas, TX 75251
person_pin Nina Durning
Equipping Assistant
Email Nina
The Bible is clear about the direct correlation between your relationship to material things and your relationship to God.

There are more than 2,000 verses in the Bible that teach about money and possessions (Matthew 6:21). Our goal is not to make millionaires, but to teach how to place your security in God and be faithful managers over the resources God has entrusted to us. We offer two 5-week classes and 1-day Saturday classes throughout the year.

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Moneywise Class FAQs

What is covered in the class?

Moneywise can be viewed as an introductory biblical money management class to lead people into a lifestyle of faithful stewardship. Think of it as a 101-level class.

Here is what is typically covered in class.

  • Week 1: Stewardship/Eternal Perspective/Get to Know Each Other
  • Week 2: Spending Plan: We will give you an overview and your table leader will be able to assist with set up. During 5-week classes we usually (not guaranteed) offer a Moneywise Late Night (8:30 pm to 9:00 pm) to assist with questions and set up.
  • Week 3: Generosity
  • Week 4: Emergency Fund and Debt: Learn how to use a debt repayment snowball tool, build emergency funds, save and plan for future needs.
  • Week 5: Saving

Please note we do not offer investment, legal or tax advice, or guidance on how to purchase a car or home.

Who should take Moneywise?

Moneywise is for everyone, members and non-members. Some will be in survival mode and met with compassion, others will be just starting, others will be stable, and some will be living with surplus and struggling to not let money become their master. We’ve had CEOs of large corporations and individuals living paycheck to paycheck tell us how beneficial the class was to them. Everyone will walk away with an increased understanding of what the Bible teaches about ownership, stewardship, eternal perspective, spending plans, generosity, debt, contentment and saving.

Moneywise can also be taken at any life stage. Money is one of the leading causes of conflict and divorce and Moneywise teaches the importance of financial oneness. For engaged couples, it can help to begin to put your marriage on the right path before you say “I do.” And for singles, it helps build a solid financial foundation.

How much does Moneywise cost?

Click on the registration link for the class cost. We have never turned anyone away due to a lack of financial resources. If the cost of the class would create a financial burden, email us at and briefly share your story. Someone on our team will follow up with you.

What is the difference between the Saturday and 5-week class?

We have two options: a 5-week class and an all day Saturday class. The 5-week class meets on Thursday evenings from 6:30PM to 8:30PM. The Saturday class meets from 8:30AM to 4:30PM and covers all five weekly topics in one day.

The only difference between the classes is the time. Both classes use the same workbook and the teaching is identical. The only difference is the 5-week class allows you more time to process each topic, build relationships with your table leader and fellow participants, and do homework in between the weekly classes.

Do I have to share my financial information?

We understand that at most tables everyone is meeting each other for the first time, and no trust has been established. You have the freedom to share with those at your table any personal information concerning your financial situation, but you are not required to nor expected to. Your table leader will set up a time to meet with you outside the class and you might feel more freedom to share personal information during that one on one meeting.

The next Moneywise class is several weeks away, but I need advice now. Can I meet with someone?

We have Moneywise coaches available to meet with you one-on-one. Send an email to


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