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Will Goodall

Facilities Coordinator

Meet Will

I grew up in Irving, Texas in a home with two siblings and my parents who understood the importance of having a relationship with the Lord. God called me to serve Him my junior year of high school after I decided to give my life to Christ, to be His hands and feet, and chase after Him. I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands and serving others to glorify God.

While in college, I had the privilege of serving over seas in South America on mission for Christ. It was amazing to serve our Lord, and see Him at work through our team and His people in Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Chile during that time. During my time in college, I met my wife, Kaley. She too has a love and desire to serve God and His children which naturally drew us to one another. She is a strong, joyful blessing to walk with on this journey.

I have the amazing privilege of working with the Facilities team. God blessed me with the joy of working with my hands and serving others while ultimately serving Him. I’m thankful that this team has provided me with this unique opportunity to serve God and love others in this way.

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