Translate: Nobody's Perfect


JP SealyFeb 6, 2022Dallas

In This Series (3)
Translate: Everything Happens for a Reason
Austin MankinFeb 27, 2022Dallas
Translate: I Can Do All Things
Bobby RodriguezFeb 20, 2022Dallas
Translate: Nobody's Perfect
JP SealyFeb 6, 2022Dallas


What are a some common phrases or words people use around church? Are you ever confused about what they mean?


Read Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23, and Romans 5:8 - Read it aloud yourself, or ask someone who is a confident reader. Ask the others to listen carefully and follow along.


  1. Have you ever heard anyone say "nobody's perfect" before? What comes to your mind when you hear it?

  2. Based on the verses that we just read, what is a biblical perspective of the saying "nobody's perfect"?

  3. What are some sin's or wrong choices in your life that feel easy to justify because everyone does them? (ex. cheating, cussing, how you treat siblings)

  4. Why do people tend to overlook some sins and focus on others?
    What does Romans 5:8 mean In light of us all being broken and sinful?


Read Romans 6:1-2 - Read it aloud yourself, or ask someone who is a confident reader. Ask the others to listen carefully and follow along.


  1. What are some common excuses people make when they make a mistake?

  2. How might you answer someone who says that it is no big deal for a Christian to sin, since grace will “abound” and cover that sin? Explain: Children don’t live any way they want to because they know their parents will forgive them. This is not how a relationship works, nor is it a reflection of love.

  3. Does God really desire for us to be perfect? To not mess up?

About 'Translate'

Among Christians, there are popular phrases or words that can tend to be overused and easily misinterpreted. The goal of this series is to help define what these phrases mean, why they're used, and seek to understand and apply them in the right context.