We should be mindful and confess the things that we care about more than God.
More to the Story: The Parable of the Talents |
More to the Story: The Cost of Discipleship |
More to the Story: The Unforgiving Servant |
More to the Story: The Laborers in the Vineyard |
More to the Story: The Good Samaritan |
More to the Story: The Good Shepherd |
More to the Story: The Rich Young Ruler |
More to the Story: The Wedding Feast |
More to the Story: Covetousness |
More to the Story: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector |
More to the Story: The Greatest Treasure |
What does it mean to covet something? What is one thing that you covet?
Read Luke 12:15 What does it mean to be “on your guard against greed”?
Read Luke 12:16-18-19. What is this passage talking about? What does it mean to “build bigger barns” in your life?
Are there any areas In your life you are seeking to get “things” instead of seeking God?
How do you focus on eternal things instead of worldly things? What does look like to find satisfaction in God?
What is one takeaway you got from this message?
Sometimes when we read the parables of Jesus they can be confusing or seem irrelevant to our lives. In this series we will look at the why behind the stories that Jesus told and how we can apply these principles to our lives today.