An Introduction to Year of the Word

Year of the Word

In the first message of our new series, Year of the Word, TA introduces the upcoming year with the reminder that the Bible tells the story of one person (Jesus) written in four movements (Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation).

Timothy "TA" AteekJan 5, 2025Genesis 1:1-3-24

In This Series (2)
God's Redemption Plan | Genesis 3-50
Timothy "TA" AteekJan 12, 2025
An Introduction to Year of the Word
Timothy "TA" AteekJan 5, 2025


Welcome to an introduction to Year of the Word. In 2025 the body is invited to read the entire Bible together. In the first of a two-part message TA gives us a broad overview of Genesis to Revelation to help guide us as we read. Imagine handing you a puzzle with no box cover. For so many people reading the Bible is like having all the puzzle pieces with no box cover. We don’t know what we are supposed to see. Scripture can be best understood when it is read through the lens that sees a story of one person written in four Movements and answering one important question.

Key Takeaways:

  • One Person: The Bible talks about a lot of people, but the Bible ultimately points to one person – Jesus.
  • Four Movements: The Bible is comprised of 66 books and 31,102 verses and it tells one story. This story is told in four movements.
    • Creation: Genesis 1-2 - An unfathomably good God made a good world with good people who were meant to enjoy God’s presence and overwhelming goodness.
      • He is the creator and sustainer of the universe (Genesis 1:1)
      • He is the God who speaks (Genesis 1:3, 2 Timothy 3:16)
      • His creativity and power are limitless
      • Everything He does is good (Psalm 34:8a)
      • He created humanity to be royalty (Genesis 1:27-28)
      • He created humanity to enjoy freedom (Genesis 2:16-17)
      • He created humanity for intimate relationship with one another (Genesis 2:23-25)
    • Fall: Genesis 3 -This chapter unpacks the fall of humanity and why the world is the way it is. The world has been flipped from its original design because of Adam’s sin.
      • Mankind’s sinfulness – our sin has separated us from a holy God
      • God’s holiness. – we cannot comprehend the otherness of God
    • Redemption: Answers one question – How can sinful human beings be acceptable to and together with a holy God forever? This question and its answer are revealed in the scripture between Genesis 3 and Revelation 21.
    • New Creation: Revelation:1-5 The restoration of what was lost in Eden. And yet it’s even better. The garden has become a city. It’s a new creation. Somehow a way has been made for a sinful humanity to be acceptable to and together with a holy God for forever.

Understanding these movements will serve as a filter to guide you as you read through the Word this year.

Discussing and Applying the Sermon:

  • As you read scripture your view of God will expand and your understanding of yourself will become clearer. How has this passage broadened your view of an unfathomable God? How have you better understood the chaos in the world, your sin and the separation between sinful man and a holy God? Journal and share your observations
  • What Adam and Eve chose as good was opposite from what God said was good? (Genesis 3) How do you choose between what God says is good and what you think is good? How do you process life changing decisions? Share a time when that process has gone well and a time it has gone poorly.
  • The picture of God’s new creation is a stark difference from our world today. Is that a source of tension or comfort for you? Explain
  • Use these four movements to guide you in your reading this year and share with your community how your view of God has grown and how you better understand the sinfulness of your heart.

About 'Year of the Word'

In 2025, we will be reading the whole Bible together in a year to help us abide deeply in Jesus.