Before we begin in God’s Word, remember this: The goal of studying God’s Word is to fall in love with Jesus and to allow Scripture to give us enough knowledge to flee to Christ. After every study, we should be asking ourselves, "How did that time make me think of the Lord differently? Did it help me love him more? And do I want to pursue Jesus even more?"
Today we are covering a large part of “the beginnings” of creation and of a people called out by the Lord to take part in his Kingdom plan of redemption. As we read the stories of Noah, Enoch, Abram, Melchizedek, Isaac, Judah, and Joseph we should be asking ourselves, “is this person who is going to be the one who crushes the head of the serpent” as promised in Genesis 3:15 or should we be looking for another yet to come?
The story of redemption has at least 5 main threads in today’s passage that as we ponder them we begin to learn even more about Yahweh’s character, his love and his grace poured out to us His Creation.
Key Takeaways
- God’s unfathomable grace.
- God’s unpredictably perfect plans.
- God’s intolerance of sin.
- God’s divine provision.
- God’s global heart.
Discussing and Applying the Sermon
- Let’s be honest, as you look at the stories of Genesis do you just see individual pieces of a puzzle or are you seeing a whole picture being put together that points to the Lord and his plan to bring you into his Kingdom?
- How have you seen God’s unpredictable perfect plan in your life?
- How have you seen God’s divine provision in your life so far?
- Spend a moment thanking Jesus. As our “true serpent crusher” he took the serpent’s bite of sin and death, so that we who are called God’s children do not have to face God’s wrath.