Behind the Watermark News

Behind the Watermark News Hero Image Behind the Watermark News Hero Image

From the very beginning, our church recognized the importance of storytelling as an avenue to share the good news of Christ with others. In the Bible, we read story after story of God’s grace, presence, and provision in the lives of His people, and today is no different! In 1 Peter 3:15, the Bible even asks us to share our stories, saying, ‘Honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.’

In 2000, weekly handouts were shared with attendees to communicate announcements, and in 2002, the staff began sharing stories of God’s grace from individuals in the body to provide encouragement and share the gospel. In celebration of the last 25 years and over 1,000 stories shared, we wanted to talk with someone who knows Watermark News stories well: one of the writers. Ann Piper, former Writer and Communications Director at Watermark, sweetly took time to reflect on her 13 years writing the Watermark News each week.

“When I first started writing the Watermark News, we still met at Lake Highlands High School. I think we printed 300 copies per week, and there were still copies left over. I am amazed at all the Lord has done since that time.

“Authenticity, vulnerability, and life change in Christ are fundamentally part of the culture at Watermark. Through ministries like re:generation, re|engage, Equipped Disciple, and others, people who have experienced life change in Christ have some experience sharing their testimonies. Watermark News has always been an overflow of what God is already doing in the lives of His people.

“I have always thought that a Watermark News story is about following the thread of the gospel through someone's life. People sharing their stories have been through seasons of brokenness, addiction, pain, grief, and hardship, and in the midst of that struggle, God's hand probably seemed imperceptible. But when someone has a chance to reflect on those seasons of hardship, on this side of redemption through Christ, the Lord's hand and guidance in their life is apparent to them.

“That is the most encouraging part of writing and reading each Watermark News story. It is a reminder that God is making all things new at all times. Even in the darkest part of our lives, He does not leave us. Our circumstances do not dictate His faithfulness.

“When I first came to Watermark, I did not understand the kind of vulnerability that I was seeing in the people around me. I had grown up in a great church and was a strong believer, but the church I attended for 35 years was very formal, and certainly, nobody was talking about what was going on behind closed doors.

“Going through recovery myself for pride and control helped me see that all of our sins are the same in God's eyes. Church isn’t ‘the last place’ you need to be talking about alcoholism, marriage trouble, or other struggles that are typically swept under the rug. In fact, God's house is the very first place we ought to be seeking recovery, encouragement, and better spiritual health. It was the place to tell the truth about what was going on in my life. That was a new idea for me and for my husband, Matt. Recovery, community, authenticity, and a renewed faith in Christ gave us the happiest years of our marriage.

“I became more and more comfortable with the idea of sharing my story and celebrating the stories of other people. Seeing how the thread of the gospel had made its way through a believer's life–even through the worst chapters–was so encouraging.

“When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2011, and then Matt died very suddenly five weeks after my cancer surgery, it was the people I had written about in Watermark News who really ministered to me.

“God’s faithfulness wasn’t obvious to me at the time. I had cancer, a special needs son, an older son to raise, and both boys had the same seizure disorder that ultimately took Matt's life. It was a dark time, and the darkness persisted for a long time. But I would think about God's Word and the way the Lord had faithfully cared for the people I met through Watermark News. I would just say to myself, ‘Don't give up. God is still working. If He did it for all of those people you’ve interviewed, He is currently working things out for you. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and trust God.’

“So that's what I did. God had stored His Word in my heart from an early age, and He connected me with these amazing people who could remind me of His power, strength, and sovereignty.

“I had the privilege of writing the Watermark News for 13 years, and the fun thing for me was the fact that I wasn't really writing the story. The story was there, and I was just editing out the parts that weren't essential to God getting the glory. That's just about the best job in the world. I will always be grateful for my time on staff and for the people I met through Watermark News. It was like making a new friend every week.

“Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful time in my life and for the privilege of serving You!”

Editor’s Note: It is the best job in the world. – Tristan Lazor, current writer of The Watermark News

Look back and celebrate all 25 stories of God's faithfulness. New stories revealed weekly.